Organizer/University/Institute: DBT-RGCB
Department: NA
Date: 5th February, 2021
Number of women speakers: 6/33
Base rate of women faculty in biology: 23.2%
Documenting women representation and combating gender-biased panels in Indian Science conferences, meetings and talks
Organizer/University/Institute: DBT-RGCB
Department: NA
Date: 5th February, 2021
Number of women speakers: 6/33
Base rate of women faculty in biology: 23.2%
Organizer/University/Institute: Pune Knowledge Cluster and Agarkar Research Institute, Pune
Department: NA
Date: 15th – 26th February, 2021
Number of women speakers: 2/13
Base rate of women faculty in biology: 23.2%
Organizer/University/Institute: DBT- National Institute of Plant Genome Research, New Delhi
Department: NA
Date: 25th January 2021
Number of women awardees: 1/8
Base rate of women faculty in biology: 23.2%
Organizer/University/Institute: Department of Biotechnology
Department: NA
Date: 25th January 2021
Number of women awardees 8/15
Base rate of women faculty in science: 11.2%
Organizer/University/Institute: MSU Baroda
Department: Biochemistry
Date: 25th January 2021
Number of women speakers: 2/6
Base rate of women faculty in biology: 23.2%
Organizer/University/Institute: AIC-Sri Krishnadevraya University
Department: NA
Date: 19th January 2021
Number of women speakers: 0/10
Base rate: NA
Organizer/University/Institute: Tata Institute for Genetics and Society, India
Department: NA
Date: 15th January 2021
Number of women speakers: 2/4
Base rate of women faculty in biology: 23.2%
Organizer/University/Institute: National Academy of Sciences, India & Institute of Lifesciences, Bhubaneshwar
Department: NA
Date: 13th January 2021
Number of women speakers: 4/8
Base rate of women faculty in science: 11.2%
Organizer/University/Institute: Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Department: NA
Date: 9th January – 24th April, 2021
Number of women speakers: 0/12
Number of Indian faculty: 2/12
Base rate of women faculty in physics: 10.7%
Organizer/University/Institute: Indian Academy of Sciences, Bengaluru
Department: NA
Date: 3rd January 2021
Ratio of women fellows: 10/38
Base rate of women faculty in science: 11.2%
Organizer/University/Institute: Department of Science and Technology
Department: NA
Date: 1st January 2021
Speaker gender ratio: 0/4
Base rate of women faculty in science: 11.2%
Organizer/University/Institute: Department of Biotechnology
Department: NA
Date: 31st December 2020
Speaker gender ratio: 3/7
Base rate of women faculty in Life Sciences: 23.2%
Organizer/University/Institute: Indian International Science Festival
Department: NA
Date: 24th December 2020
Speaker gender ratio: 0/5
Base rate of women faculty in Life Sciences: 23.2%
Organizer/University/Institute: Indian International Science Festival
Department: NA
Date: 24th December 2020
Remarks by BiasWatchIndia: 1. This is not a topic to choose for a debate in today’s day and age – this is a classic example of a straw man argument.
2. Instead of arguing why there aren’t enough women leaders in the first place, this debate questions whether women make better leaders. This is a nonsensical argument.
3.Having young women argue against this is also morally wrong – the optics for young women is horrible!
4. Leadership skills are not gender dependent. Given the extreme paucity, women should first be given the chance to become leaders – not forced to argue whether and how their gender influences their ability to lead.
5. Historically, women have been denied training, support and opportunities to become leaders. This is why there is an obvious gender imbalance at leadership positions. *This* is what needs to be solved. The framing of this debate draws attention away from this real issue.
Organizer/University/Institute: IIT Indore
Department: NA
Date: 21st – 24th December 2020
Speaker gender ratio: 1/6
Base rate of women faculty in Science: 11.2%
Organizer/University/Institute: Nehru Science Centre and Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB)
Department: NA
Date: 18th December 2020
Speaker gender ratio: 0/3
Base rate of women faculty in Biology: 23.2%
Organizer/University/Institute: Indian Council for Agricultural Research
Department: NA
Date: 16th December 2020
Speaker gender ratio: 0/3
Base rate of women faculty in Biology: 23.2%
Organizer/University/Institute: Alagappa University
Department: NA
Date: 14th December 2020
Speaker gender ratio: 0/5
Base rate of women faculty in Science: 11.2%
Organizer/University/Institute: International Centre for Theoretical Science
Department: NA
Date: 11th – 22nd January 2020
Speaker gender ratio: 10/20
Base rate of women faculty in Biology: 23.2%
Organizer/University/Institute: National Centre for Mathematics
Department: NA
Date: 19th November 2020 – 3rd January 2021
Speaker gender ratio: 0/3
Base rate of women faculty in Mathematics: 15.2%