
A debate on “Do women make better leaders?”

Organizer/University/Institute: Indian International Science Festival

Department: NA

Date: 24th December 2020

Remarks by BiasWatchIndia: 1. This is not a topic to choose for a debate in today’s day and age – this is a classic example of a straw man argument.
2. Instead of arguing why there aren’t enough women leaders in the first place, this debate questions whether women make better leaders. This is a nonsensical argument.
3.Having young women argue against this is also morally wrong – the optics for young women is horrible!
4. Leadership skills are not gender dependent. Given the extreme paucity, women should first be given the chance to become leaders – not forced to argue whether and how their gender influences their ability to lead.
5. Historically, women have been denied training, support and opportunities to become leaders. This is why there is an obvious gender imbalance at leadership positions. *This* is what needs to be solved. The framing of this debate draws attention away from this real issue.
